What will happen?

Professor Judd, our Consultant Laryngologist ENT Surgeon will examine your voice and make the medical diagnosis along with our Specialist Voice Therapist, Mrs. Kate Young, who will examine the way in which you produce you voice.

In addition to examining the vocal folds, Professor Judd will be able to arrange further diagnostic tests, for example scans, blood tests or X-rays.  The majority of voice problems do not require many tests and many don’t even require surgery!

Depending on the examination findings however, an examination of the vocal folds under anaesthetic may be required. A small sample of tissue can then be removed and examined under the microscope to determine the nature of any visible changes on the vocal folds (e.g., growths or swelling). This procedure is known as a biopsy. Professor Judd can also provide surgery to remove diseased or damaged vocal tissue or arrange for appropriate medication. If the voice problem is related to other medical problems Professor Judd may refer on to another specialty, such as a neurologist or a gastroenterologist. If the voice problem is related to the way in which the voice is used Mrs. Young and her team will provide you with a course of voice therapy. Your progress will usually be monitored during your treatment to make sure your voice recovers fully.